08004 ENELL (0800 436 355) admin@enellinspections.co.nz


Our Home Inspection Service Pricing

We understand that property inspections can be very costly. Pre-purchase property inspections alone can set back customers hundreds of dollars. If you’re going for multiple inspections, don’t expect costs to go any lower.

That’s why here at Enell Inspections, we make it easy for our customers to avail our cost-efficient yet excellent building reports for customers in Hamilton and the greater Waikato region. Our site inspection services have competitive pricing, whether it be a building or pre-purchase inspection, maintenance or thermal imaging reports, Building Warrant of Fitness (BWoF), or moisture/meth testing. We want to provide affordable yet thorough property inspections to as many individuals and organisations as possible.

Looking for affordable house inspection services? Our testing services start at $200 while our BWoF and building or pre-purchase inspections (within Hamilton or Morrinsville) cost $350 and $550 respectively. For Meth Testing, our prices start at $180. We also do Detailed Meth Testing starting at $100 per room. All prices are GST exclusive. For Asbestos Testing, our rates start at $300. Mileage fees also apply to reports done outside the Hamilton or Morrinsville area.

We also offer home maintenance and thermal imaging building inspections. This type of inspection allows you to see things that can’t be revealed using conventional inspection methods. This can detect and address potential leaks, structural defects, and other electrical issues in your property. Our home maintenance reports start at $350 while our Thermal Imaging Reports start at $650.

Check the price list of all of our services below. You can also reach out to us for pricing concerns and other issues.

Location Cost
Hamilton $550 + GST
Morrinsville $550 + GST
Pirongia $550 + GST
Matangi & Tamahere $550 + GST
Ngaruawahia $550 + GST
Te Aroha & Waitoa $600 + GST
Te Kuiti $600 + GST
Arapuni & Cambridge $600 + GST
Huntly $600 + GST
Matamata $600 + GST
Otorohanga $600 + GST
Putaruru $600 + GST
Paeroa & Tahuna $600 + GST
Raglan $600 + GST
Te Kauwhata $600 + GST
Te Awamutu $600 + GST
Thames $650 + GST
Tokoroa $650+ GST
Tairua $700 + GST
Whangamata $700 + GST
Pauanui $700 + GST
Coromandel $700 + GST
Pre-Purchase – Weather Tightness Starting from $600 + GST
Other Reports
Report Cost
Verbal Only Building Report $250 + GST
Maintenance Report $400+ GST
Moisture Test $300 + GST
Building Warrant of Fitness (BWOF) $350 + GST
Asbestos Test $300 + GST
Healthy Homes $300 + GST
Renaming Report $200 + GST
Commercial Pre-Purchase POA
Meth Testing
Job Price
Meth Test $180 + GST
Detailed Site Investigation POA


All prices are GST exclusive.

If you have any questions regarding the above pricing, please don’t hesitate to contact us.

Waikato Building Reports