08004 ENELL (0800 436 355) admin@enellinspections.co.nz

Moisture Testing

property moisture testing
Non-Invasive Moisture Testing

Moisture testing is carried out on all properties and is concentrated mostly around exterior doors and windows, showers and other potential risk areas.
Testing is carried out with a hand held non-invasive meter called a Trotec T660. This type of meter is one of the best meters on the market and is the popular amongst building inspectors.

Testing is an indication only, due to the differing types of building materials used and will only indicate dry, damp or wet conditions. Early stages of a leaking are very hard to pick up with the moisture meter. If any water ingress is found further investigation will be recommended. Investigation can be carried out by the way of cutting holes in the wall linings to inspect the suspected leak or invasive moisture testing with a meter that makes small holes in the wall.

enell inspections

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